Environmental Policy

Our Acknowledgement

We recognise the global climate and biodiversity crisis is the greatest threat to humanity, and understand the importance of collaboration and community in building a sustainable society. Further we acknowledge the environmental impact and responsibility of the music industry and our place in it.


Our Commitment

We commit to collaborative climate action and ask and enable all of those involved in the BRITs to make the same commitment. The BRITs will work towards reducing the negative environmental impact of our organisation while increasing the positive social and environmental impact we have. As a global showcase of the UK recorded music industry we will also act as an amplifier of the great effort the industry is playing to end the climate emergency. We commit to knowledge-sharing with the industry and to act based on evidence.


The BRIT Awards Show - Event & TV Production

While our commitment is to year-round holistic effort, the BRITs event and live broadcast is largely created by contractors, freelancers and suppliers and represents the majority of the emissions created by BRITs. Therefore our emissions action will focus mostly on our Scope 3 emissions from this show.

For this show we commit to the LIVE Beyond Zero Declaration. This is the live music sector’s commitment to deliver measurable and targeted action on climate change, with the ultimate aim of reaching net zero emissions by 2030.

We commit to working towards the following:

  • Work with LIVE Green to reduce our operational and business travel Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions, set reduction targets in line with the LIVE Green vision, measure and report progress annually.
  • Develop a net zero roadmap and action plan – taking responsibility for actions in energy, waste, procurement, transport, food and governance.
  • Understand and define emissions within our value chain, follow best practice to affect change in areas outside of our direct control and collaborate with suppliers and clients towards the LIVE Beyond Zero Vision.
  • Ensure our people undertake climate literacy education and have an ongoing commitment to knowledge sharing within the live music sector and beyond.
  • Talk to our stakeholders honestly about the impacts of our business on the environment and efforts we are making towards a regenerative future.

Climate Content

We know that the other area where we can make the greatest positive environmental impact is within the content of our Show and across our social platforms. We are committed to telling the story of a greener future.

Overall Environmental Impact

While there are more actions to come, these will be delivered in the 2023-2025 period. We will:

  • Make best use of the recommendations we receive from Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), Albert, Julie’s Bicycle and other experts we work with directly;
  • continue to engage with other experts both within the music and television industry and externally to ensure that we are doing all we can, and at pace, to do our part in reducing the negative impacts of the climate emergency.
  • create a sustainable production methodology, using established tools and resources where possible, to enable us all to complete our show with efficiency and planetary concerns in mind;
  • set annual emission reduction targets. For 2024, we will be focussing on audience travel and production transport, two of our greatest emission-creating areas;
  • include climate clauses into all our supplier and stakeholder agreements;
  • create a just transition to greener ways of working that ensure our suppliers feel empowered to offer us the lowest emission solution possible for their products and services;
  • ensure our stakeholders understand our commitment and support us to see it through; and
  • continue to experiment with new technologies, products and services, that offer possibilities for positive environmental impact, giving them a platform for further development.

Measurement & Certification

We will continue to work with stakeholders to ensure our measurement system is robust, accurate and efficient for all. This includes asking all suppliers, artists, labels, partners and other stakeholders to make data readily available, as necessary, to our carbon auditing team.

  • We disclose our efforts and measurements with the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP)
  • We have been working with Julie’s Bicycle for over 10 years to thoroughly measure and understand the emissions created by the BRIT Awards event.
  • We measure the emissions of the television broadcasts via Albert’s production calculator.
  • We measure the emissions of our digital content production via AdGreen's production calculator.
  • Our caterers measure our catering-based emissions, providing meal-based measurements, often at the point of sale or ordering. These measurements will be done using Foodsteps.
  • The O2 venue was the first to receive the Greener Arena certification from A GreenerFuture.


Helpful Resources

LIVEgreen’s Beyond Zero: LIVE Green’s Declaration that individual businesses may sign up to, and a Purpose statement, that will help shape the group’s work, and define how companies and individuals across the live industry can act and take the lead on this crisis.

Net Zero 2030: Reaching Net Zero by 2030 is the goal of our home city, London, and the goal of the Beyond Zero Pledge

Albert’s Planet Positive Effort: Albert lists clear trends and actions that those creating content for audiences can considering adding to normalise climate positive actions in everyday life the way tv has always done for positive social impact. [

Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP): a not-for-profit charity running a global disclosure system for companies to manage their environmental impacts.

Julie’s Bicycle: A non-profit mobilising the arts and culture to take action on the climate, nature and justice crisis.

Albert’s Production Calculator: A bespoke calculator for film and television that allows productions to quickly understand their environmental impact.

FoodSteps: Software that helps our caterer understand and communicate their environmental impact.

A Greener Future: a not-for-profit company helping organisations to be more sustainable and reduce environmental impacts. They provide the Greener Arena Certification which allows venues to demonstrate a commitment to supporting biodiversity, and reducing their organisations emissions and waste across the company’s operations, purchases and investment.